Sunday, 5 June 2011

Q and A : the BBC 4 Murder Slot

Sounds a bit macabre, what is it?
BBC 4 have found a niche place to put its imported show like ” Wallander”, “Spiral”, and the” Killing”, Saturdays at 10.
like the Bill then?
None of that nonsense I’m afraid. It seems that the Europeans are getting it right in the gripping drama department. It really does look like HBO is getting a run in for sheer plot-heavy, character driven stories.
So where do they come from?
The Wallender detective series started a trend in all things Scandinavian. Wallander is himself as cold as the bleak Swedish settings. Then Denmark’s “The Killing” took over with the eponymous jumper wearing Sarah Lunde.
So all this is happening in the Fjords then?
Erm no, the Fjords are in Norway. France’s Spiral has taken the gauntlet. Never have I seen a more tense, gripping, and morally compelling T.V cop show (Drug addicted cops, evidence planting, etc).
So what is the attraction with these shows?
I’m dumbfounded why the British haven’t got an equivalent. The stories are complex weavings, without one main character. The stories don’t seem to link up at all. Whilst watching the Killing,I was so engrossed that I felt that I had something to do with the murder.
Erm, so what were you doing last Saturday?
Watching people die on a foreign export show of course!
Catch up on Spiral on BBC iplayer now!

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